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GTM #139 - Introduction to Epigo

EpigoEpigo is a new two or four player strategy game that should feel both fresh and familiar. Epigo's simultaneous action selection makes every round of the game exciting, even though Epigo features relatively simple rules and mechanics. Epigo is also modular - the boxed game includes rules for 21 variants, with more variants available on our website. Variants modify one or more of the core rules, providing unique challenges and adding countless hours of replayability. This is an introduction to the core game, designed for two players.  

The Rules:

To win, be the first to capture three of your opponents’ Epigons by pushing them off the edge of the board. Epigons have a rank between one and seven dictating the speed at which they move. At the start of every round, both players choose and stack three Orders from their hand. The top Order of a stack marks the first move, the middle tile is the second move, and the third tile is the last move. Each Order has arrows on one side, indicating the direction the corresponding Epigon will try to move. Once both players have locked in their moves, the stacks are revealed and unraveled.

First, compare the top Order on each stack. The higher ranking Epigon moves one spaceCard Handsin the direction shown on the arrows. Then the other Epigon (matching the lower priority Order) moves in the same manner. If both players reveal Orders of the same rank – they cancel and neither Epigon moves (players often try to make this happen intentionally for various nefarious purposes). Then players reveal and compare the middle Order in their stacks, followed by the final order, repeating the same process for moving, wherein the highest priority Order moves its Epigon first. After three moves, players pick up all of their Orders and start the next round.

When moving an Epigon, one of three things will happen: it will Slide, Push, or be Blocked. When an Epigon moves into an empty space, it Slides into it. If that space is occupied however, the Epigon tries to Push in that direction instead. An Epigon must have a majority of friendly pieces moving in the same direction whenever it tries to Push – otherwise the move is Blocked. The full rulebook contains detailed explanations of the movement rules, and is available on our website (

Basic Strategy:

It is important to remember that while all Epigons have the same pushing strength, they move at different speeds. Thus, it can be advantageous to move a fast piece first, before the board state changes, or to save a slow piece for last, when all other moves have resolved. High priority pieces are ideal for battles at the edge of the board, as they areBoardable to push opposing pieces over the edge before those pieces can escape. Thus, exploiting and protecting high priority pieces can be a challenging balance to maintain. As exhilarating as it can be to push an Epigon off the board, players quickly realize that doing so without support leaves the pushing Epigon in a similarly precarious position on the board edge. A capture is never really solidified until the responsible Epigon is safely out of danger.  

Remember that playing Epigo is a lot more than playing the current board position - it's also about playing the board position as it will look going into the second and third moves of each stack. Many games are won or lost by a player's ability to predict their opponent's stack. Canceling an opponent's first move by playing the same priority Order can leave the piece that would have moved fully exposed, and ruin that player's entire sequence of planned events.   

In the correct orientation, Epigons can push an entire row - up to seven other Epigons. Poor planning can easily lead to your second and third Orders pushing/moving your own Epigons off the board!


We hope that you take the opportunity to try Epigo for yourself. The boxed game accommodates up to four players in teams of two, and introduces variant play. Be sure to visit Masquerade Games' website, where we’ll be posting new variants – as well as instructional videos, strategy articles, and information about upcoming tournaments!