Qualify for Marvel's Ultimate Comics Fallout #4 2nd Ptg. Pichelli Var. & Free Full Page Comic Ad

The free copies of Ultimate Comics Fallout #4 Second Printing Pichelli Variant may ship one week after the copies of Ultimate Comics Fallout #4 Second Printing Bagley Variant ships.
Additionally, Marvel is also giving retailers an exciting opportunity to promote their store in Marvel comics by placying qualifying orders for this issue.
Order 5,000 copies of Ultimate Comics Fallout #4 (JUN110611D) or Ultimate Comics Fallout #4 Second Printing Bagley Variant (JUN118244D) -- or any combination of the two -- from August 25 through August 29, and you will receive a free full page ad for your store in upcoming Marvel comic books, either of your design or designed along with Marvel. Qualifying retailers will be contacted by Marvel to coordinate design of the ad.
Plus, you will get a free, extremely rare Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #1 Pichelli Sketch Variant, limited to a print run of 20 total copies. This offer is on a first-come, first-served basis as supplies are limited.
In Fallout #4, readers meet Miles Morales, a half-African American, half-Hispanic teenager from New York that breaks up a fight while wearing his own Spider-Man costume. According to USA Today, the new character will have some abilities in common with Peter Parker, but will also have some new powers as well. Later, in the new Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #1 (JUL110605D, $3.99) on sale in September, fans will learn more about Morales' origins.
“When the opportunity arose to create a new Spider-Man, we knew it had to be a character that represents the diversity—in background and experience—of the twenty-first century,” said Axel Alonso, Marvel Editor in Chief. “Miles is a character who not only follows in the tradition of relatable characters like Peter Parker, but also shows why he’s a new, unique kind of Spider-Man—and worthy of that name.”
Place Your Fallout #4 Orders by August 29 |
* Please Note: As previously announced via a dedicated email to Marvel Mailer recipients, Marvel has amended the terms of the Ultimate Comics Fallout #4 2nd Ptg. Bagley Variant – Double Your Order for Free offer that originally appeared in August 11’s Marvel Mailer #267.
Marvel originally announced that if you exceeded 50% of your total order for Ultimate Comics Fallout #4 (JUN110611D) that were placed by its FOC with your order for Ultimate Comics Fallout #4 Second Printing Bagley Variant (JUN118244D) placed by its FOC of August 15, you would receive an additional equal amount of the Ultimate Comics Fallout #4 Second Printing Pichelli Variant for free.
Under the new terms, however, for every copy of the Ultimate Comics Fallout #4 Second Printing Bagley Variant (JUN118244D) ordered through August 15, you will receive a free copy of the Ultimate Comics Fallout #4 Second Printing Pichelli Variant.
Make note of this amendment when placing your orders for Ultimate Comics Fallout #4 Second Printing Bagley Variant (JUN118244D, $3.99) through August 29 in an effort to receive copies of the Pichelli variant, as retailers that may have not qualified to receive the variant under the original terms may now be schedueld to receive copies based on their orders for the Bagley variant placed through August 15.